
Live Blog: BU at Providence

After a tough 4-3 loss to the No. 1 University of Denver last night at Agganis Arena, the No. 6 Boston University men’s hockey team will take on No. 11 Providence College at 7 p.m. at Schneider Arena for another Hockey East matchup. Read our preview here to see who to look out for during this game and follow along on our live blog.

Live Blog BU at Providence


  1. Tough loss but I hope last night was a turning point/springboard for the season…the timeout Quinn took ended up giving Denver time to regroup unfortunately

    Also, I love Jake but he’s gotta be better, that last goal cannot go in. Since the latter part of last season, teams have figured out you can beat him high which is mind-boggling considering how big he is, but he’s constantly beaten up high…and he’s scrambling out of control way more than he did last season.

  2. I don’t get the drastic lineup changes coming off a good effort against Denver

  3. why is the team struggling so much?

  4. They played poorly. I think the tough loss the night before may have affected them. The team is very mature but I think the lack of experience of playing college hockey is hurting them. I have confidence we will work this out. Big test is next week. Go bu .

  5. I can’t help but think about JFK’s disappointing and surprising decision to sign with the Bruins this past March. He would have made a huge difference in our 2017-2018 team. We’re still really good without him but with teams like Denver and Harvard, he would have put us over the top. He would have certainly been a difference maker. To make it particularly frustrating, he’s playing AHL hockey this year.

    Of course all that really counts is how we play in March/April of 2018.

  6. My worst fears about this season seem to be taking place so far. They have regressed even though they have a good incoming frosh class because its just to difficult to have a mature balanced team when you keep losing players to early departures. MY hope is that this year’s imcoming class sticks around for a while so that the program can develop. The Terriers played an excellent game vs Denver and were probably unlucky to lose at the end. A moment of inattention against the #1 team in the nation will cost you. However, the effort the following night vs Providence in a league game was very disappointing. They failed to bounce back showing an immaturity and lack of leadership on the club. Talent alone is not enough to win at this level.

  7. Couldn’t agree more Vito. They should have beat Denver, Jake STUNK!! He has been awful these first 6 games. That first goal in Providence shows you he is NOT the same goalie he was most of last year, sans the end. I’m always on Coach’s side but maybe he should start looking somewhere else other than Team USA for recruits?? I know it’s a long season but these kids need to step up and play like MEN! You’re in the big boy league now kiddos. Play like it!!
    I still love BU and Coach….just venting!!

  8. This time last year folks were calling for jake to be pulled and for Connor to get more ice time. And we all know how that ended , Jake was one of or in my eyes the best in the nation. Jake has let in some soft ones but his play has not been awful. In fact I think his play has put this team in positions to win games. I believe maybe he’s putting to much pressure on himself. As to coach taking players from team USA he’s done ok with that strategy, and he gets the best players around the world. We are young it takes time I have full faith in coach and his staff. I know a lot of these kids and I know what they are made of. I have confidence in them . Things will turn around for this team because they work very hard experience can’t be taught the players need to experience college hockey and get a feel for it. I think tkachuck bowers crotty crone and the rest of the freshman class will develop into great players . go bu?

  9. Hopefully we can grab 2 wins this weekend and everyone can relax a bit. Lousy start has put a lot of pressure on everyone. Have fun and play hockey the way you know how to and everything will come together. As far as Jake goes he will be just fine. He certainly has not stunk but needs to play better as do all.

  10. How about them apples! Best goalie in the country. Good team win. That being said this team still makes mistakes that need to be corrected. Coach referred to this in press conference work in progress which it is. This team is going to get better as season goes on. I love my BU hockey and this team. Big two points at stake tonight.?