
Charlie Coyle, Adam Clendening named to Hockey East All-Rookie Team

By Scott McLaughlin/DFP Staff

BU forward Charlie Coyle and defenseman Adam Clendening have been named to the Hockey East All-Rookie Team, the league announced Wednesday. Coyle and UMass forward Michael Pereira were both unanimous selections.

Junior forward Chris Connolly was named a runner-up for the Len Ceglarski Sportsmanship Award and junior goalie Kieran Millan was named a runner-up for the Three Stars Award.

Below is a full list of the award winners who were named Wednesday. They will be honored at Thursday’s annual awards night at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge. The league’s major awards, which were not announced Wednesday, will also be presented at the banquet.

All-Rookie Team
F – Bill Arnold (BC)
F – Charlie Coyle (BU)
F – Mike Collins (Merrimack)
F – Michael Pereira (UMass)
F – Brodie Reid (Northeastern)
D – Anthony Bitetto (Northeastern)
D – Adam Clendening (BU)
G – Dan Sullivan (Maine)

Scoring Champion: Paul Thompson (UNH)
Goaltending Champion: John Muse (BC)
Best Defensive Defenseman: Brian Dumoulin (BC)
Best Defensive Forward: Tanner House (Maine)
Len Ceglarski Sportsmanship Award: Brian Flynn (Maine)
Turfer Athletic Award: Jeff Dimmen (Maine)
Three Stars Award: Paul Thompson (UNH)
Charlie Holt Team Sportsmanship Award: UNH


  1. Wow, if those two made it then Hockey East had a really weak rookie class this year.

  2. Coyle, can see it… Clendening… OMG the fix is in… NO FREAKIN’ WAY this traffic cone deserved this. He is more of a liability than any other d man on the team. Goes to show you that with the right PR and people behind you it almost doesn’t matter what you do that stinks, you’re coming out smelling like a rose.

  3. Who the hell would you put in instead?

  4. That isn’t very nice to say about Sullivan and Arnold…

  5. To Anonymous 2: I’m guessing you haven’t seen a game since December. Otherwise, I don’t see how you could not see the big strides Clendening has made the second semester. I’d argue he’s been the best all-around defenseman on the team this semester.

  6. Michael Pereira as a freshman is better than Joe Pereira as a senior. Why can’t BU get the talented brother instead of being stuck with the talentless older brother?

  7. If you think Joe Pereira was talentless and not a key attribute to this team all four year than you are an idiot. He was a key player on the NC team before he ruptured his spleen at the Garden in the HE tournament final. He also lead the team in goals this year with 15 and was the unquestionable leader of the team with Connolly.

  8. Joey is a fantastic hockey player as quackquack said…and I completely agree with Scott that Clendening has been one of the best defensemen since the second half of the season. He is definitely the most passionate defensemen I can tell you that. If you saw the last game again NU, Clendening really played his heart out and you could see how upset he was that they lost (he broke his stick in half in frustration). We have all the talent in the world…we just don’t have the work ethic. We need more players like him with this passion.

  9. Quack, truly spoken like only a mother can about her son.

  10. Scott, I’ve watched every game, perhaps Clendening went from horrible to not so great. He “progress” has went from at times a “D” game to a C-B game. opinions are of course like noses. I think he is way over hyped. IMHO Noonan should def have gotten the spot over him, but doesn’t have that USA background. Politics is politics….

  11. Connolly will celebrate his 25th birthday before he “graduates” from BU as an undergrad. Looks like desperate Parker is recruiting the 21 year old freshman again.

  12. Clendening is so “passionate” that he ran a NU player after the game was over. Is that passion or is he just a cheap player?

  13. scumbag move…he doesn’t deserve accolades, he needs a good whippin’ behind the shed. Lack of character and control.He has been reading his own press clippings too much.

  14. what press clippings? he didn’t have a good first half and everyone hated on him like you guys are now. He barely touched the guy after the NU game and the game wasn’t over yet. He was visibly frustrated but could have hit that guy alot harder. As NU fans you guys dont really have the right to talk about cheap players or control. Your players were tossed out of the handshake line and taunted BU players on their way off the ice. They also were diving the whole series so get your facts together. Dont you have a game to play instead of still obsessing over who won the regular season awards? Cry me a river that BU brought home more awards than you

  15. he had a horrible first half and a mediocre second half. Yet, with his background and support system, you’d think he was a Calder Cup nominee. He was frustrated because, as usual in every game he plays, he was the cause of multiple turnovers and goals against. He AIN’T THAT GOOD. Don’t get me completely wrong, he does have raw talent, but he is NOT the Messiah that some people are trying to make him to be. PS, I’m a BU fan, Not a NU fan, so I’ve watched the team all through the season.

  16. “Your players were tossed out of the handshake line and taunted BU players on their way off the ice.”

    Ah, revisionist history to try to make your story make sense after it was pointed out that it was the BU players who refused to shake hands.

  17. They were standing in line waiting to shake hands when Benedetto or your own coach decided they should leave the ice…how did the BU players refuse to shake hands?

    I will agree that Clendening was inconsistent to say the least this season. He has the talent for sure but made some poor decisions thoughout the season. Right when I thought he had turned a corner he took a step back in the NU series so we will see where that gets him drafted and how he improves next season.

  18. Quackquack… As you stated and Anonymous said, Clendening was ALL over the place this season with mistakes, inconsistency, temper, poor decisions, and then as stated again, took a big step backwards during the critical playoff series. All these things being said, how in the world could be be picked as a rookie team player? This is what Anonymous was referring to I think. It does appear he is being fast tracked by “those in high places” regardless of all his shortcomings. Typical targeted marketing of a player to justify what was not earned.