
Max Nicastro arrested, suspended

By Tim Healey/DFP Staff

Junior defenseman Max Nicastro was arrested early Sunday morning for an alleged sexual assault of a female student, and he has been suspended indefinitely from the No. 2 Boston University men’s hockey team. The news was first reported by BU Today.

Neither BU coach Jack Parker nor any of the players are currently available for comment.

BU spokesman Colin Riley said the incident occurred “on campus” in a dormitory, but could not offer more information.

“The facts as they are are upsetting,” he said.

No further action will be taken – be it concerning Nicastro’s status as a member of the team or a student at BU – until the investigation is complete, Riley said.

Jake Wark, Suffolk County District Attorney spokesman, said Nicastro will be arraigned in Brighton District Court Tuesday morning.

For the full story, visit dailyfreepress.com.


  1. Last one out turn out the lights

  2. This can’t be happening! Are we intentionally trying to unravel this program? Holy Crap!!!

  3. Not sure how many of the hockey players read this blog, but if any of them do, here’s a bit of information for you…YOU ARE NOT GODS. Just because you have a little bit of talent and play for a talented college level hockey organization does not give you the right to act like assholes, get drunk, disrupt the living quarters of the people around you, and most of all assault women. The majority of you will sadly go nowhere with your hockey careers after college, and it would be smart of you to make the most of your years at BU and work your asses off to get your degrees at the same time so you have something to fall back on when you fail in the AHL. I feel bad for the young men on the team who are decent guys who do genuinely work hard to make a name for themselves and make their fans and coaches proud. I am a huge fan of this team, season-ticket holder, and BU alumni, but a few of these guys make me ashamed to admit it. Grow the hell up.

    • I, also, am a long time BU fan. (From ’65 on). BU Hockey is number one to me. When I read these stories I get quite upset. The amount of money it takes to go to college today and the debt it puts on the graduate is a very large number. These hockey players like Nicastro get a free education and throw it away. The above alum tell it right when he says that the majority of them will play in the AHL for a few years then be out of work before they are 30. We should recruit kids who want an education and first class hockey training FOR FREE. There are plenty of players who want this who have a high skill level. All will not be great students but it must be shown to them that, work hard in school, and this training will pay off in the future. Recruiting should include examples of grads who have used BU to be great hockey players and great men in later professions. I know several of them myself. If this were done there would be very few problems.

  4. Recruits players of poor character or with one eye looking at the NHL, while BC recruits solid citizens, four-year players who want to be there. 2 sexual assaults in one-year, the drinking incidents, flunkouts, and Joke Parker eff youing a ref on a national television (and having to issue an apology for it). Parker must go. What is Brown doing? It’s time. He should have rode off into the sunset after the 2009 national championship. He is now running BU down the toilet. Time to go. Brown, do the right thing and fire him.

    • Right … BC definitely recruits solid citizens. Just look at the atkinson brothers who beat someone up during a road rage incident in their hometown. And what about those 4 bc players who were drinking and crashed their car on comm ave. Plus they were under 21. If anything, Parker should get coach of the year for dealing with all this crap and having his team ranked high.

    • Take your opinion back to the Heights and the discuss the situation with Bernard Cardinal Law, an expert on dealing with sexual assaults.

    • You moron, the BC players weren’t driving the car.

  5. Why is he still on the team? Is Parker keeping him because he desperatly needs him?

    Boot him now!!!!!!!!!

  6. This team is totally out of control. I graduated from BU a few years ago and dated a hockey player while I was there, and sadly, this story doesn’t surprise me. While the majority of the players are great guys, when things like this happen, you realize how little leadership and control there is of what are essentially a group of kids who, with the attention and privileges lavished on them, quickly develop HUGE egos. They are lauded constantly by their coaches, parents, peers, and worst of all, girls, for their athletic achievements, and no one is stepping in to spend time developing their character or teach them right from wrong. Does it really surprise anyone this kind of thing happens?

    Here’s the bottom line: anyone who spends time hanging out at bars, parties, etc. with hockey players is aware that “sexual harassment”-like behavior is pretty commonplace. Because these guys are “hockey gods” and literally have girls BEGGING for their attention, they get away with a WHOLE LOT–nine out of ten times it doesn’t go beyond inappropriately speaking to girls (“Nice ass, babe,” “I would bury my face in those tits,” etc…not kidding…) but sometimes it DOES cross over it what can be construed as physically-threatening behavior–shoving hands down girls pants/up their skirts, smacking butts, grabbing boobs…

    The problem is, this happens ALL THE TIME–like, every weekend! These guys have no clue what they are doing could be considered a crime because they are so used to constantly getting away with it. Now, I’m by no means heaping the blame on the girls, but their worship of these guys does not help.

    Obviously we don’t know the whole story of what happened with Max yet, but my guess is he picked the wrong girl to mess with and she reported him. Sadly, I think more than one guy on this current team could be rotting in jail for a similar reason. Max just got unlucky. Why would he assume that what he was doing would get him in trouble? I bet he’s gotten away with it a hundred other times, and I actually feel bad that his coaches obviously were too naive and/or concerned with winning to devote some resources to CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, EXPECTATION-SETTING, and BOUNDARY-ESTABLISHMENT.

    What needs to happen is for Jack Parker to step down ASAP. Someone a lot more “with it” needs to get in there and teach these guys that their behavior off the ice is as important, if not more important, than their behavior on the ice. Let’s face it–Parker is an old guy from another time. What it meant to be a hockey player when he played is totally different from what it means now. The girls who hang out at T’s and let these guys grope them and speak disrespectfully to them see the players as sexy, athletic gods who could go on to make millions in the NHL. They wear tight dresses and heels to what is essentially a dive bar, hoping to get a player’s attention. These guys don’t have to work to impress a girl–the girls come to them, and the guys treat them (for the most part) as privileged to be in their presence! They pay attention to them if they feel like it and ignore them if they’d rather take a shot with the boys. They’ll dance with them, make out with them, and assume they’ll go back to their dorms and get a blow job or sex out of the evening. That’s just the way it is, and I have a hard time believing Jack Parker has any concept of this reality.

    Please, for the sake of this team and this school and the hockey players themselves, all of whom are without a doubt talented–get rid of Jack Parker and hire someone who will acknowledge the current social culture surrounding these players. The guy is totally in the dark, and this program is going to crumble if something major doesn’t change.

  7. Parker Must Go!!

  8. this program is about to take a plummet that it might never recover from. my sympathies to the victim

  9. Why were all these comments removed? What a joke!

  10. I’m glad you deleted all the fake stories the BC trolls made about being parents and having daughters being molested by BU hockey players that went unreported. That would NEVER happen. Ever.

    Stupid BC trolls.

    • Trying to distract from Nicastro’s crime. Pathetic.

    • Honestly, what a joke of a story. If your daughter calls you and tells you that, you do something about it.

    • Yea seriously, if your daughter calls you, you get in your car and break the law yourself and beat up that hockey player!

      What a joke of a story! No parent would ever let their ADULT daughter make her own decision whether to press charges!

      Trivino is innocent too!

    • I can tell the people replying to my original post are Nicastro’s friends, family or teammates. It is repugnant that you defend a person who you KNOW has used his celebrity status to take advantage of women. Instead of defending his piggish behavior, how about talking to him and asking him WHY he would so readily risk his reputation, career, embarrass his parents, teammates, family, coaches and FELLOW CLASSMATES by behaving in such an immature, boorish, entitled way.

      For starters, I don’t feel one iota of responsibility to give a bunch of anonymous posters details about my daughter’s encounter with Nicastro, what she chose to do about it or my actions upon learning of the incident. It is irrelevant whether you choose to believe me, whether you think this is a fake post, if I’m a BC troll (whatever that is) or how you “think” a parent should behave, react or do. The deal is, you don’t know WHAT you would do. The only reason I posted in the first place was to vent and finally out this guy for the pig he is. He took advantage of my daughter (I’m sure in a similar way to his latest victim) and, unlike Max’s courageous latest victim)my kid chose not to report him.

      However, in light of the disrespectful, misogynistic posts, I will contact my daughter today and ask she revisit the incident and encourage her to report this crime.

      Thanks a bunch, Nicastro apologists, for proving that cavemen still exist.

  11. We’re manually putting in all of the deleted comments. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  12. Andrew Glass booted for putting academics first yet this scumbad Nicastro is still on the team.

    Is Parker really this much of off an idiot?

  13. What’s the big deal? This has been happening at BU for decades. Nicastro is just a victim.

  14. John Sabo did far worse but Parker was able to cover it up until the season ended. Why could he do the same here?

  15. If we had York, this would never have happened.

  16. Can’t wait to see this team’s GPA.

  17. The season needs to be cancelled ASAP and Parker needs to be fired. This is pathetic!

  18. What recruit would be stupid enough to come into this mess?

  19. When are the Parker apologist come here to defend him and the team?

  20. How much would it take to get Jerry York to come here and clean up this mess? NO amount is too high to get a classy coach with integrity.

  21. WOMEN OF BU. Make a BIG STATEMENT and BOYCOTT the next Terrier home game. With no girls oogling the “Gods,” maybe Parker and the team will FINALLY GET THE MESSAGE.

  22. No surprise here. My daughter phoned me last month completely traumatized, telling me Max shoved his hand down the front of her pants at T’s, and when she tried to get away, he lifted her up so she couldn’t get away. I was absolutely SHOCKED and begged her to press charges. She didn’t. I am glad some other girl had the guts to finally call this animal OUT.

    • If you’re telling the truth, why doesn’t your daughter still press charges? The statues of limitations are not over.

  23. Listen all of you preachers, while there is no excuse or condoning this kind of situation, it is NOT THE ENTIRE TEAM! There are many, if not most, really stand up decent guys playing for the team. Guys who would never do this kind of thing. So while you can make all the hater comments about Nicastro (not proven yet) or Trivino, The rest of the players need and deserve your support, now more than ever,

    Get off the hate bandwagon, wise up as well…

  24. Thanks Anonymous BC Fan.

  25. My grandmother was trying to cross the road, and fell but as a car was about to crush her out of nowhere Nicastro lifted her up, got her to the sidewalk, and cured her cancer.

    As reliable a report as anonymous’s report about T’s

  26. Worst captain in BU history:
    1. Albie O’Connell
    2. Connolly

  27. Nobody even knows what happened so how can everyone be so judgmental? Athletes are charged with these things all the time. Wait until Tuesday.

  28. Connolly is by far the worse.

    • Clearly you know nothing about the BU program or it’s leadership. Chris Connolly is undoubtedly one of the greatest leaders the BUMIH team has ever had–ON and OFF the ice. Connolly is an intelligent and down to earth guy who has approached his role as a leader on the team with responsibility, poise and strength. Connolly leads this team by tremendous example, and has publicly stated he feels honored to have been given the opportunity to be a student at BU and his team’s Captain, not just for one, but two seasons. I can’t imagine having to motivate a team from an extremely low point during the season, to its peak. Connolly, along with Chiasson and Courtnall have worked hard to bring the MIH team together through adversity.

      It’s completely unnecessary and unfair for off-ice indiscretions to be blamed on Connolly and the team’s Captains, but I am certain that these guys were chosen for their position on this team because they are able to handle the pressure and responsibilities that come with being representatives for BUMIH. Connolly and the Assist. Captains are talented and determined leaders who will, without a doubt, motivate the team as a whole, to boldly defy current and future challenges and rise to the occasion on every level and in every situation.

  29. Didn’t taken long for the Nicastro apologists to appear and defend hIs sexual assault against a fellow BU student.

  30. Really? What other athletes get charged for sexual assault “all the time”?

  31. Good story. Thanks for adding to the comments. You added so much.

  32. Well Duke Lacrosse for one.

  33. Maybe “all the time” wasn’t the correct way to put this, but Nicastro very well could have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’m not on either side I’m just saying he may not be some monster everyone is making him out to be.

  34. Gotta change all the Captains. Who are the mature responsible players that lead by example? Not kidding. The team needs a leadership change if nothing more than for positive appearance sake. Look to players like Megan, Rosen, Gaudet to fit the roll of new leaders quickly. Don’t wait do it quickly.

  35. Will the NCAA put us on probation for repeated legal violations?

  36. The BU spokesman says the “FACTS” are upsetting. Facts. That tells me the Nicastro apologists would be wise to zip it until it all comes out because right now I have to think he knows more than any of us and he didn’t sugarcoat it.

  37. It’s idiots like this who make light about sexual assault which emboldens the BU hockey players to act badly.

  38. Are you kidding? Megan is Nicastros little sidekick and Rosen is right there as well. Nicastro and Trivino are not isolate incidents. Most of the hockey players abuse their superior status at BU to get girls. It has become the culture of BU. This goes a whole lot farther than leadership on the team. Parker and the captains are not to blame. BU as a whole idealizes these players as “gods” as the previous commenter stated. Its not only girls. Teachers are more than accommodating in the classroom when the boys have been at Daisy’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nights,etc. so they dont have time to do assignments. T’s automatically lets you in and serves you if you are an athlete regardless of whether you are 21+ or not. The hockey players have come to think they can DO whatever they want and HAVE whoever they want. These are pure character flaws that not just Parker and the program have instilled. It is BU as a whole that needs to change before we will see any significant changes. And maybe when these boys start realizing the hard way that they are nothing special and if they weren’t BU hockey players they would have no game and special status we will start to see a team with character that this university can be proud of.

  39. USCHO has a great discussion about this.

  40. And you did nothing about it?

    This is a terrible situation for all parties involved, but comments like yours with obvious lies aren’t helping.

  41. Why are these “obvious lies”?

  42. If you honestly are taking the stance “innocent until proven guilty” you need to get over yourself. Nicastro is a dirtbag. Always has been. And so is Trivino. And so is most of the guys on the team. You need to get a reality check. THIS HAPPENS ALL OF THE TIME! Just spend 5 minutes at T’s and youll get it!

  43. Interesting that the fangirl hasn’t posted yet to defend Nicastro.

  44. No wonder Charlie Coyle left…

  45. If your daughter is sexually assualted by an athlete at her school and you don’t make calls til you’re red in the face, you’re either A: a terrible parent or B: lying.

  46. So what’s Parker going to do? Nicastro isn’t the only jerk on this team.

  47. Coyle made the right choice. He didn’t want to be around these scumbags.

  48. How long before some says you are obviously lying or a BC fan?

  49. What about Nieto? He got suspended for taking a dump on the car of a girl who blew off his advances right before he came to BU.

    • What about Nieto? Digging up dirt from 4 years ago? He was a 15 yrs old adolecent, not an adult, you fool! It happened over a year before he stepped foot on BU as a 17 year old freshman. Apples and Oranges. A far cry from the recent adult sexual assault charges against an adult. There seems to be alot of stone throwing going on here from fools who seem to have never made a bad decision in thier adolecent/adult, perfect pathetic lives. This latest incident at BU should not open the foodgates of dirt from the past. This is stupidity at large!!! I bet a large % of the stone throwers are closet freaks, chomos, and whore mongers who havent been caught yet, and made public targets!!! I bet if we could run Megans Law on the fools trolling these sites day and night the freakshow would end. Stop spewing net madness clowns!!! By the way did anything ever happen to TV icon, Sharon Ozbourne for sending her enemies feces in a Tiffany box!!! Out!!!

    • What is a “chomo”?

      You sound like Stefon from SNL.

    • a chomo is a child molester

  50. Nice logic. Get your head out of your rear-end and take a look around.

  51. Glad to hear Nicastro can cure cancer, Anonymous. It shouldn’t be too difficult, then, for him to realize that just because a girl is in a bar, she is not his property or required to welcome his sexual advances.

  52. Step 1: Attack logic.
    Step 2: Provide no other evidence.
    Step 3: ???
    Step 4: Go igles.

  53. True story, Jack can really pick them!

    “Forwards Matt Nieto and Jacob Fallon, and defensemen Kevin Clare and Jon Merrill have all been serving school suspensions since the middle of last week. The four players did not travel with their teammates over the weekend. The undermanned Under-18s lost to Green Bay, 3-1, on Friday, and to the University of Wisconsin, 7-1, on Saturday.

    However, the ones who avoided the sexual harassment bullet are reportedly being accused of ‘lewd and inappropriate behavior’ for, among other things, defecating on the car of a female student, which sounds to us like… harassment. Anyway, the distinction appears to be that the sexual harassment accusations against certain players reportedly revolve around accusations of sexual coercion. That’s the word at street level.”

  54. Wow… That’s not nice, trashing other players that have had nothing to do with this situation. Who the hell are you to do that? You are filled with venom aren’t you?

  55. YES. I did something about it. I begged her to report him. Ultimately it was HER decision how she wanted to handle it. Judging by your insensitive, disbelieving and disrespectful response, it is EXACTLY the reason the majority of these crimes go unreported. I assume you are a teammate of Nicastro? Your stupid response says it ALL.

  56. Keep enabling these hockey players. Nice work!

  57. I hear some BC fans sent a BC girl over to T’s Pub and she led Max on at the bar and roofied his beer and then took him back to his room where screamed rape to frame him.

    This is BC’s fault!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nothing to see here folks!

  58. Did she fear any sort of backlash if she were to report this? From either hockey players or other BU students?

  59. Why was it her decision on how to handle it? If you believe that your daughter was SEXUALLY ASSAULTED then isn’t it your responsibility as a parent to affect some kind of justice? There are plenty of factors as to why a victim may not want to report her attacker but that doesn’t make any of them right. A crime is a crime.

    There I go again, talking like what you said is true. Like I said in my first comment, this is a terrible situation that is leaps and bounds beyond the GAME of hockey. Unfortunately, this is something that the BC trolls in these comments can’t understand.

  60. if only this were true.

  61. Noonan’s a good kid, AND knows when to back off!

  62. this program is about to take a plummet that it might never recover from. my sympathies to the victim

  63. Noonan is invoked too? Sad!

  64. In case anyone is confused on all these comments issues, let me sum it up.

    Several people had stories about BU hockey players being scumbags, Nicastro apparently also involved in a past story.

    BU apologists showed up and determined that they were all created by BC trolls, as obviously these stories could NEVER be true.

    So if you post anything about BU that is not complimentary in every way, you will be labeled a BC troll or perhaps even a bad parent for letting your adult daughter determine whether to press charges or not.

    Glad I could clear that up for everyone.

  65. I am getting tired of hearing about incidents like this regarding the Men’s Hockey team. Something needs to be done. Why isn’t this happening at other schools? Obviously the players think that they have greater liberties than the rest of the population. The coaching staff and recruiters need to be held accountable. Don’t be surprised if you start to see some push back from the fans. With ticket prices being way to high the arena is already not filling up. This will hurt down the road with donors holding back and recruits choosing to go to other schools. MAKE CHANGES NOW !

  66. I think everyone is missing the fu%&ing point here: There is a girl who is probably traumatized and in severe emotional distress, because a guy thought it was within his rights to violate her sexually. It doesn’t matter what she was wearing, what the culture is like surrounding the BU hockey team, if Nicastro was intoxicated or not, if Jack Parker is somehow responsible for the actions of his players–the bottom line is, this girl’s personal rights were violated and Max Nicastro needs to be held accountable for what he ‘may or may not have’ done. And for anyone saying that he is the ‘victim’ in this situation, because of the pervasive idolatrous culture surrounding the BU hockey team–you are just as much of a pig as Nicastro is.

    And if there are any girls who have been sexually violated by any of the other players on this team, I hope they speak up, because this is absolutely disgraceful. I’ll be damned if I will sit in Agganis and cheer for a bunch of misogynist pigs who think they can get away with similar behavior.

    • If other girls step forward and tell their story, there will not be a BU hockey team in the future.

    • As much as I love hockey and going to watch the games, if this stuff is really happening and the victims in these cases are really telling the truth, it is more important to resolve this then have a hockey team who isn’t doing such good things behind the scenes. It’s better to have a solid, honest and decent team than one that doesn’t represent BU in a positive way.

  67. Whoever is suggesting that the girl who was assaulted is “lying” or a “BC troll” is obviously not a woman, and definitely not a female student at BU. Girls who are RAPED are often afraid to speak up for fear of repercussions…the daughter of the parent who claims she was assaulted by Nicastro probably didn’t want to “deal” with the social fall-out of reporting someone as high-profile as a hockey player. It’s sad, but I understand the daughter’s view. I was a student at BU, I’m a girl, and I would NOT want to report something like that if it happened to me. Easier to steer clear of those guys than deal with idiots who will sympathize with the hockey player because of his status as an athlete.

    That’s just the way it is. PERIOD. Sad, but true.

    Whatever happened to this girl in this case must have been BAD for her report it, because trust me, her life will be HELL socially after this.

    • Then the social climate will not improve unless these players are actively reported despite peer pressure.

    • As a BU hockey fan, I’m afraid of what will happen if her actions cause other women to step forward and tell their story.

    • I think it would be important to take into consideration the fact that most victims know the attacker. We don’t know yet if that’s the case here or in the story from T’s but it is one of the main reasons so many sexual assaults go unreported. If the girl from the story at T’s or this particular alleged victim knew Nicastro or someone on the team it would be extremely difficult to report it.

      I don’t think this girl will suffer repercussions if her accusations are true or at least I really really don’t want to think that… BU culture of denial and adoration around hockey players is really bad but I never got the feeling the social climate was so bad someone would be ostracized or persecuted by any other students for reporting a sexual assault.

    • BU needs to clean house before it can return to normalcy. It took BC years to clean up its Football Program after the Gambling Scandal. Even though they’re performing below expectations, the Program is very disciplined–Top 3 in the country every year in Grad Rates.

      Imitate it. BC Football Players study together for mandatory hours every day, usually dine together and most live together. They keep each other accountable on and off the field. Those who fail to meet these requirements are asked to leave the Program.

      Jerry York tossed out a few bad apples in the past.

      It’s very difficult to determine character traits during the recruiting process. So it’s not Parker’s fault. However, it does seem like an atmosphere conducive for bad behavior among core players at BU. This must be gutted out and removed immediately. Cancer spreads.

    • So when Parker kicks off Glass and the Saponari brothers, he gets skewered for being unfair.
      And now he is getting skewered for not getting rid of Trivino and Nicastro before their alleged incidences.
      Can’t have it both ways.
      BU obviously needs to provide more social education for the hockey team, and perhaps extend it to all sports teams. Maybe they need classes in responsible social behavior and what constitutes date rape. They are young adults and should already know better, but if they don’t – educate them. After all, education is BU’s primary business, not hockey.

    • Glass got booted for studying for a test. He didn’t get charged for rape.

    • What type of message does Parker send with some of these inconsistent penalties.

      1. Russ Bartlett refused to dump and chase. Penalty: Kicked off the team

      2. John Sabo kicks a kid’s head in outside of a bar (shocker). Penalty: NONE. Note Sabo was acquitted but avoided civil litigation where he would have gotten destroyed and his dad ponied up a lot of cash to the victim.

      3. Peter Klema like Bartlett was just not good enough for Parker. Penalty: Kicked off the team.
      4. Saponari brothers – “Cumulative instances of conduct unbecoming a BU hockey player”. Saponari got more than one strike. Drinking on a day he shouldn’t have been drinking and missed a bike ride. Penalty: Booted from the team
      5. Glass – A few minutes late to a meeting and then he got booted for missing an optional workout (perhaps against NCAA rules) because he was studying for an exam.

      “I was in the trainer’s room and was several minutes late for one meeting and 10 minutes late for another meeting,” Glass said in an email to The Daily Free Press. “However, late is late and I accept that responsibility. Coach Parker addressed me during the week and said ‘to not let it happen again.’ I told him that it wouldn’t happen again and that was the entire conversation.”

      The next week, finals week, the team had one last practice scheduled for Tuesday before everyone went home for break. Glass said he told Parker he wouldn’t be able to make it because he had an exam and Parker told him that was fine.

      While studying in the library that Monday, Glass said he received a text message saying that there had been a change in plans and that there was now an optional team weightlift that day at 1:30 p.m. Glass said the text indicated that anyone with study commitments could just go after and do the workout on their own, which is what Glass did.

      “By NCAA rules,” Glass said, “a team cannot have organized practices or workouts during exam week and based upon the past two years, if you had conflicts, you completed the workouts on your own time. Not only was I studying in the library, but I came right afterwards around 3:30 to workout.”

      Then after, Parker has a meeting with Glass and his old man and says that Parker went rambling on about some self-assessment and made little sense of anything.

      Penalty: Kicked off the team.

      6. Trivino – Trivino had 4 alcohol-related run-ins at BU. By the 3rd time, Parker just did nothing about it but guaranteed there would be a next time and at that time he would be kicked off the team no questions asked. Triple secret probation for this kid. Not quite offered to others. Then he gets wasted and breaks into his RA’s room and sexually assaults her. Penalty: Kicked off the team

      7. Nicastro – Clearly from these stories this is not the first time he has been a bad boy but probably never got caught. He gets arrested for rape. Penalty (subject to change) Suspended pending further investigation.

      Now can someone make any sense of what the hell Parker is doing? Clearly some of these things stick out. Sabo not getting kicked out after almost killing a kid? Glass getting booted fro studying was very strange. Triple secret probation for Glass, without forcing him to get alcohol help, which enabled him to sexually assault a girl on campus.

      What a mess! I want to see a serious review of these instances done by the DFP people. Dig a little bit. Some kids get preference, no? Some kids did nothing wrong off the ice and got booted because Parker didn’t like them as players (he recruited them!).

      What’s going on here?!

    • Warso was a Parker suck up and never get penalized for his bad behavior.

  68. The cancer starts at the top. Cut off its head and kill the cancer before it destroys the school.

  69. I know its different from state to state, but for Mass is there any differentiation between “sexual assault” vs. “rape”? Just curious..

  70. Obviously, my thoughts are with the alleged victim, but did find it amusing that the story immediately before this one on the blog is entitled, “Missed scoring opportunities doom Terriers”.