
VIDEO: Reactions after No. 18 Harvard beats No. 1 BU in OT

Harvard coach Ted Donato and captain Kyle Criscuolo

BU head coach David Quinn


  1. we gotta start making Agganis a tougher place to play for opponents

  2. I saw so many empty seats. That’s nothing short of RIDICULOUS! That’s how we support a team that’s #1 in the country? I watched on my laptop and that OT goal just killed me. Harvard really seems to have our number … at least during these past few years. Oh well, on to other ECAC fish we need to fry.

  3. Couldn’t agree with Glenn more! EMPTY SEATS? I thought it was a terrible way to show support to such a young team….MAYBE things will get better after the Holidays….As far as attendance is concerned.

  4. Can anyone confirm this for me the Dec 5 -6 game vs Merrimac have swopped days I thought it was Friday at merrimac and Saturday at Bu think they switched anyone know if this is true?? Thank u

    • According to the schedule on goterriers.com, BU is at Merrimack on the 5th and at home on the 6th.

  5. I and many of my fellow alums have been critical of the way BU promotes the hockey team. The former AD did not want the hockey team promoted more than the other sports notwithstanding the fact it is the ONLY “major” college program on campus. And this year they are the only major college team without broadcast radio and are on tv not as much as other HE teams. The former AD had baggies put up over the seats that were empty for tv games at Agganis for the B Ball program. BU, as I understand it, spent money to put on these broadcasts on the B Ball team that has almost no following in the area or nationally. A few years ago they hosted the Ice Breaker early in the year and had very poor attendance despite the face it is usually sold out everywhere else. It is a disgrace to have so few in the stands for such a big game. We need change at BU in almost all of the administrative posts both sports and academic. This is from a real old BU hockey fan from the Kelly era.

  6. To some extent I agree with you Walter. I agree that it is inexcusable for BU to have empty seats for hockey games played at Agganis. I’ve heard all the excuses about changing demographics at BU and the price of tickets and so forth and I’m not buying it. Their marketing is not working … and new ideas have to emerge. Although I listen to games via the streaming video option, I wholeheartedly agree that fans should be able to hear BU Hockey on the radio … not just the internet. Having said all that, I believe that the actual “Game Day” experience at a BU Hockey game is world-class. So, I think someone in the ‘administrative” department is doing something very well on that end of things. On a final note of agreement … the BU Hockey team does need to be promoted to the MAX. It should be promoted more than other teams because of their winning tradition and because it’s one of the four major spectator sports and because Boston is a HUGE hockey city.