
From the Freep: Prosecution drops major charge in Trivino case

By Emily Overholt/DFP Staff

Former Boston University men’s hockey forward Corey Trivino is no longer being charged with assault with intent to rape, the most serious of seven charges stemming from a Dec. 11 incident, due to insufficient evidence, officials said.

Brighton District Attorney spokesman Jake Wark said there was no evidence suggesting Trivino intended to use force in efforts to rape the victim.

“We have an ethical obligation not to pursue a charge that we know we can’t prove,” he said. “It’s certainly not a reflection of the victim’s credibility or anything of that nature.”

Read more at dailyfreepress.com.


  1. So Parker was too quick to boot Trivino. Can Trivino sue?

  2. Parker booted him for being drunk. If not for the history of drinking, he would have probably been suspended indefinitely.

    I’m no Parker hater, but to say that Trivino could sue, well, there’s a line of former players who would have better standing than Corey. Much better standing. Trivino should have felt lucky he was invited back for his senior year. Yet he screwed that up.

  3. I think the most disturbing thing I read on these blogs about the hockey situation is the fact that many of the males on campus do not think that it is improper to put their hands on a woman if she is not willing. I am an older adult and I do not want to think of what goes on in these dorms.Trivino has six other felony charges on him and will have to stand trial if he does not go along with a plea deal. Guys, please respect these woman. I am one of the greatest BU Hockey fans but when you screw up as these two have done you should get punished. As for Trivino he still may have a record that he will carry to job interviews and to rent places to live and for his credit for the rest of his life. This is serious stuff people. Get real. please!

  4. If the first poster would actually read the article they would see that Trivino had multiple incidents with alcohol. He was tossed because he blew his last of many chances. Parker was not too quick to dismiss him. If anything he was too late. Corey had a problem he refused to recognize and own up to.
    Stop putting the blame away from the source… It lies squarely on Corey Trivino.

    • Warso also had multiple alcohol incidents and helped organize the team Beerfest before the Hockey East tournment yet Parker didn’t boot him.

      Parker cannot play favorites if he wants to pretend he’s in charge.