
Parker reacts to Nicastro arrest

By Arielle Aronson/DFP Staff

For the second time in less than three months, Boston University’s reputation was tarnished by the actions of a player on the men’s hockey team. Early Sunday morning, defenseman Max Nicastro was arrested and charged with two counts of rape stemming from an alleged on-campus incident.

The accusations against Nicastro come after forward Corey Trivino was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a BU resident assistant on Dec. 11.

Both Trivino and Nicastro have been kicked off the hockey team and are not enrolled at BU while their cases continue through the court process.

The similar charges against two members of the same team has created many questions about the environment surrounding the hockey team and whether the team could have done more to prevent either incident from occurring. On Thursday, BU President Robert Brown announced he was forming a task force to study the culture and climate of the hockey team in response to Trivino and Nicastro’s alleged actions.

BU coach Jack Parker, who was unavailable to speak to The Daily Free Press until Thursday, addressed some of the questions surrounding his team in an interview early Thursday afternoon.

Parker said he thinks there are many differences between the accusations against Trivino and Nicastro, but acknowledged both shared similar roots.

“It points to a problem of control or drinking, and one of the things we talk about all the time at the beginning of the year is we lay down ground rules that we talk about in actions and consequences,” Parker said. “Specific consequences regarding specific actions having to do with drugs, alcohol, and the way you treat people around here and sexual behavior. We will talk some more about that, obviously.

“When we don’t get what we want as far as we don’t have people staying up to the standard we like, we deal with it.”

Read more at dailyfreepress.com.


  1. ESPN has picked up this story and bashing the team, the players, and the school.

    Thanks for bringing down the value of my BU degree!

    • Your degree is useless in this economy anyway. And by the way, BU is just an ok school. You should have saved your parents money.

  2. Great, now we’re losing recruits. This has turned into a complete and total disaster that will kill the hockey program for the next decade.

  3. Who are recruits that are decommitting?

  4. If Parker gets fired, will we lose all of our recruits?

  5. For the fouth day in a row, the Globe and Herald bashes BU.

  6. Boston Globe says Parker refuses to change culture of hockey team no matter what interal investigation finds.

    • Parker is an embarrassment to BU.

    • I expect you are either not from BU and suffer from recurring episodes of jealousy or you are friendly with someone who was dismissed from the team or maybe was not even recruited.

    • To Mr. Embarrassment.

      I expect you are either not from BU and suffer from repeated episodes of jealousy, or you are frienly with someone who was dismissed from the BU Hockey Team or, maybe not even recruited. Just stifle it.

  7. Let’s take a moment and step back from the headline news. The school is doing the right thing by putting together a task force to evaluate in an objective manner, what is taking place and why.

    Keep in mind that many big college sports programs would simply ignore this, because they are focused on the sports angle, more than the overall credibility of the hockey program and the university overall.